Friday, October 22, 2010

Where has the time gone....

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted....lots going on as I'm sure you are experiencing the same. I can't believe that next weekend is Halloween already and the month is gone and Christmas is just around the corner.
I've been decommissioned this week and I don't think I've slept so much in my entire life at one time....I got the flu shot and that other one they said I needed and have had a bad time of it this go around. I've slept for five days straight and have had no energy...but I'm happy to say that today I'm up and moving...even mustered up enough energy to work in the art room.
Hubby hung two bygel rails for me to put my punches on and another rod for hanging some stamp sets that I use a lot. He also made me a box for my stamp pads, so now they are all sitting right in front of it.....thank you honey♥♥
I moved a new cabinet under my work desk...shorter and more functional for me. I have lots to clean and rearrange tomorrow so pics will be posted the week.
♥♥ HUGS ♥♥

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