Well, it's been HOT...HOT...HOT here....yesterday it was 110+....oh, I wilted like a flower...yes, we do have AC but I'm not a big fan of AC. Hubby turned it on when he got home at 8pm...what a wimp, I went all day without it and he's not home 10 minutes and had to put it on...by then it was only 89 in the house.....I can make my fans work for me...lol
Ok, so I'm sitting at the computer yesterday, clear blue sky and very, very sunny right...than all of a sudden it get very black in the house.....ok, I'm thinking what's happppppeninggggg....I thought maybe the rapture was happening and I was missing it all....:-D
I immediately went to the front door and low and behold there was this little lonely cloud covering the sun....I laughed and had to get a picture.....